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fAfB fCfD fEfF fGfH fIfJ fKfL fMfN fOfP fQfR fSfT fUfV fWfX fYfZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SUNOVA foam 20
SWEEKAR foam 20
TAJ foam 17, 20
TIGER foam AJANTA product 20
TOTO foam 20
TRADER'S EXCHANGE +mug foam 43
TUFF foam 20
U-foam 20
VASAVI'S top foam napkins 16
VICCO TURMERIC foam +man 3, 5
VIJA foam +stars 17, 20
VIJAY foam 17
WILMAN shave foam 3
banglore PFI foam +circle 20
e e-foam +cogwheel 17
ff FLORA foam 20
g global foam & furnishing 35
italian foam 17
italian foam +stripes 17
jet foam 17
mm foam PINCORE +arrows 20
new CLASSIC COIR & foam 20
r.r. foam 20
vita foam 17
foaming compound 1
NIP super foaming 3
super foaming NEKITA 3
DIANA foams +ovals 21
KF KANAV foams +circle 20
TAJ foams +crown & tajmahal 20
FASH foamy 3
GILLETTE foamy 3
SUHAGAN gold foarming 14
focus 7, 9
ASSOTECH focus 36
BIG BIRD fashion focus +bir 25
C CADDRITE focus on success 16
CADDRITE focus on success 16
QPF quadra point focus 9
TV 18 focus 25
VHB vaccine focus 5
ACTIVE fof 36
MICRO herbal fog +leaf 5
INDO FOG fogging machine 9
ASTER aluminium foil 6
BAWASONS silver foil +flag 17
CHIRAG foil 6
DND aluminium foil 21
FRESH GOLD aluminium foil 6
HARVI-foil 17
ME FOIL aluminium foil 6, 21
ROLIA prime foil 16
SHA pure foil +sun & chef 6
foil 6
SSTC LAJWAAB kitchen foil 6
V.I.P. foil-wrapp 2
j JINDAL foil 2
lajwaab foil 6
nk MONTEX foil 6
silver TONER foil 1
ALFOIL india foils 6
API foils +square 6
API foils +squares 16
ITW foils 6
Q quality foils +square 6
R-foils 6
indian KING foils +men 13
MEGA-fol OMEGA +circle 5
PAPRO fol 16
K-fold screws 6
natal fold 6
folded ribbons 36
M +folded hands 5
THE PAVILION +folded hands 30
WELCOMGROUP +folded hands 8
folder 9
folder & arrow 9, 35, 38, 42
ABCDEF +man & folder 9
BUSINESSDATA +folder square 9
ICON +folder 16, 25
IID +folder 42
SCORP +folder & arrow 9
WINK LET +folder 9
folders 12
VIJAYA aluminium fole ghee 29
NAVJEEVAN foliar spray 1
TRAZER folic acid capsules 30
DIGI folio 9
folks 36
brands & folks 35
JVS folli-care 5
FARLEYS follow-on milk 29
CADRAN SOLAIRE DE fombrauge 33
fone FUN 9
ZIP fone 9
dream fone 38
FNB fones & batteries 9
food 31
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